
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Introduction: Red Riding Hood

Why Red Riding Hood? To be honest, I like the picture. Millais is one of my favorite Pre-Raphaelites. Here's a more thoughtful justification. Red Riding Hood is an iconic fairy tale figure, and since my genres of interest include fairy tales, it's an appropriate image to set the mood. I'm also working on a story that makes reference to Red Riding Hood's tale. When Red Riding Hood takes a walk to her grandmother's house, she's embarking on a journey, which is what I hope readers of my stories experience, a journey through the woods, through the unexpected, the uncanny.

The purpose of this blog is to keep anyone interested up to date on what I'm writing, point out where you can read it, and toss out some random thoughts on creative writing. Thanks for coming along.

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