
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Goals for 2014

I've read some posts about goal-setting in the past week. They all say the same thing. It's important to create goals that are measurable. The goals should be time bound. They should be achievable and under your control. So, making that first professional sale or selling a thousand copies on Amazon aren't very good goals because the ultimate decision is outside my hands. The only thing I can really do is commit to writing, posting, and marketing. The inputs are in my hands while the ultimate results, not much at all.

Blogging Goals:

  1. Post Goals before the new year. Hangs head and sobs. Fail. Fail. Fail. Well, head up and soldier on.
  2. Keep the blog active with at least one post a week (52 for the year).
  3. Keep the WIP page up to date.

Writing Goals:

  1. Finish the unfinished novellas on my WIP page.
  2. Finish the colonial werewolf collaboration with Lyn Perry. It transformed into a novel after the last full moon.
  3. Make progress on the other novel projects.
  4. Write a series of flintpunk stories featuring a Daniel Boone-type character and a native American sidekick. Zombies on the frontier. This should be fun.
  5. Write a story or two in the Foreworld Sage world.
  6. Write a flintpunk novella "Johnny Has Gone for a Zombie."
That should be plenty to keep the old quill scratching over the sheep skin. You're also supposed to periodically take stock and see how you're progressing on your goals. I'll let you all know how I'm doing, especially if I accomplish something. : )


  1. Let us know when you accomplish those things, not "if"!
