
Friday, January 4, 2013

2012: The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

I debated a long time on doing this post. Does anyone really care? But don't I need to give 2012 some closure? If I don't write this soon, the issue will be moot.

Let's start with the "worst" stuff so I can end on a good note. I suffered through a lot of rejection letters this year. I suffered through one long dry spell that lasted from April to December. That left me very depressed about the whole business of writing and publishing. I didn't finish writing a novel this year. I didn't make a professional sale. And I didn't write as many stories as I wanted to.

On the bright side, I made a triple figure sale. I created and published three Kindle books (one of my goals for 2012). I and three other writers started the SpecFic Collective. I sold a long story in December that I never thought I would be able to sell because it's too long. I made new friends and joined the W1S1 admin team. Not such a bad year. More of a mixed bag. I'm already feeling better. Bring on 2013.


  1. Thanks Jeff. At this time of year reading the year end posts of writers can be discouraging. In fact I posted something like that myself! Shame on me.e

    I really enjoyed your honest post.

  2. Jeff,

    I'm sure we all identify with those negative feelings. I've lost track of how many times I've given up the whole ridiculous effort of trying to get stories published. But I love writing, so I don't ever really stop.

    The darkest hour is just before the dawn...

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Simon. I can't imagine not writing either.

  3. Keep on keepin' on, Jeff! I haven't sold many of my 2012 stories yet, but it can take time. The first story I ever submitted (from way back in the summer of '09) is finally being published this month after 20+ rejections. "Never give up, never surrender!" - Galaxy Quest

    1. Thanks, Milo. Patience should be a writer's greatest virtue. Wish I could steal some from my cat.
