
Saturday, December 31, 2011

W1S1 2011 Report Card

It's the end of 2011 and the W1S1 challenge for 2011 is coming to a close. Somehow I managed to keep up and produce at least one new story per month. November and December were particularly unproductive. Burnout, I think. Bottom line: I wrote 15 stories and 13 of those are published or forthcoming. Thank you W1S1 for pushing me.

For next year, I want to stay with the story a month challenge but put more energy into some longer works, that is a novel and some novellas. Time to reload for 2012.

MonthStoryWord CountStatus
January"A Mother's Gift"2900 Published in Silver Blade Magazine
February"Why the Squonk Weeps"1300Published in Digital Dragon Magazine
March"Shafts to Hell"1300Published in How the West Was Wicked (Pill Hill Press)
April"The Crooked House of Coins"3700Published in There Was a Crooked House (Pill Hill Press)
"The Fletcher's Daughter"1500Published in Residential Aliens
May"Tapestries of Betrayal"4000Published in Greek Myths Revisited (Wicked East Press)
June"Blood and Beauty"4680Forthcoming in A.J. French's Songs of the Satyrs (Wicked East Press)
July"Wilson's Thicket"4200Forthcoming in Beneath the Pretty Lies (Wicked East Press)
August"Sixpence and Rye, and a Snake in a Pie"2400Forthcoming in Father Grim's Storybook (Wicked East Press)
September"A Creature of Words"670Published in Avenir Eclectia
October"A Daughter for a Daughter"10,500Forthcoming in Tales of Suspense (Wicked East Press)
"Under the Bridge"975Published in Apollo's Lyre
November"Soul Thief"1015Rewriting
Chapter One--City of Souls1570Novella in progress
December"A Fortuitous Stumble"670Forthcoming in Avenir Eclectia
"The Hermit's Cache"tbdFor Avenir Eclectia
Chapter Two--City of SoulstbdNovella in progress

Image Credit: Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on


  1. An AWESOME year, Jeff! I've enjoyed reading your work.

  2. Yep, an incredible year, Jeff. My plans for 2012 kook very similar to yours. I just hope I'm as successful.

  3. Just read "Under the Bridge" in Apollo's Lyre--good stuff. Looking forward to Write1Sub1 Reloaded.

  4. ...and CONGRATS on reaching your December W1S1 goals!
